
Airport rates

Information on our airport rates
Our prices only refer to general aviation aircrafts, for commercial flights we use special rates. For further details, please contact us!
Our prices do not include VAT and are converted at the daily MNB EUR mean rate.

Landing fee

Every aircraft that uses the runways and/or taxiways of the Hévíz-Balaton Airport must pay a landing fee.

The landing fee is based on the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft (under ICAO Doc 7100 Manual) and must be paid per each 1000 kg commenced.

The calculation of the aircraft weight
Aircraft weight in kg
EUR / 1000 kg
up to 4,000 kg
4,001 – 15,000 kg
15,001 – 200,000 kg
above 200,001 kg

Note: The landing fee varies per zones according to the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft as given in the table.

Fee calculation example
For an aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 2,300 kg, EUR 45 needs to be paid, while for a plane with a maximum take-off weight of 8,700 kg EUR 135 instead of EUR 120 must be paid:
  • 0 – 4,000 kg - 4*15 = 60 EUR
  • 4,001 – 15,000 kg - 5* 12 = 60 EUR, so a total of EUR 120 since the zones add up.


The above requirements do not apply to:
  • state flights, if they are not used for commercial purposes;
  • search and rescue flights;
  • topographic flight;
  • calibration of navigational aids;
  • aircraft that departed from Hévíz-Balaton Airport but returned due to technical failure or adverse weather conditions;
  • aircraft in emergency.

Note: Training organizations and sightseeing flights are subject to an individual agreement or contract with Hévíz-Balaton Airport Kft.

Ground Handling fee

Information about our service rates
Our prices do not include VAT and are converted at the daily MNB EUR mean rate.

All aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of more than 2,000 kg shall pay a service charge.
Airplane weight in kg
EUR / 1000 kg
up to 2,000 kg
above 2,001 kg

Extra service charge beyond operating hours

By prior arrangement, aircraft can arrive and depart beyond the operating hours published in AIP.

The surcharge of handling services beyond operating hours is EUR 250 / hour / aircraft.

The handling services beyond operating hours can only be requested in writing, must be prepaid, and will be confirmed if resources are available.

The operation beyond operating hours ordered and confirmed cannot be cancelled subsequently; its fee will be invoiced in every case, - even in case of flight cancellation or schedule change.

If the service requested is beyond the normal operating hours, a minimum of 4 hours will be charged.

Parking fee, tie-down

EUR 3.00 / 24 hours / 1,000 kg

The parking fee does not apply to aircraft whose stay at Hévíz-Balaton Airport does not exceed three hours.

On request, it is possible to tie down the aircraft for EUR 15/occasion.

Passenger service fee

Passenger terminal: EUR 12.00 / departing passenger (Children under two years of age free of charge)

Passenger GA terminal: EUR 8.00 / departing passenger (Children under two years of age free of charge)

Note: Any person holding a license who is on board as a passenger shall also pay a passenger service fee.

Security Charges fee

Passenger terminal: EUR 3.00 / departing passenger (Children under two years of age free of charge)

Hungarian extra tax for departing passenger

That based on Hungarian Act Nbr 197/2022. (VI.4.) Government decree 5.§. Hévíz-Balaton Airport Kft. have to introduces a new tax that is to be paid over each departing passenger outbound of Hungary travelling under the act of air carriage, applied from 01 July 2022.
It is the Ground Handling company's duty to collect the new tax from Air Carriers and forward to the Hungarian TAX Authority. The value of the new tax is 3900 HUF/each departing pax based on the Government decree 5. § 4. a) and 9750 HUF/each departing pax based on 4. b).
The new tax will appear on your handling invoice separate as passenger tax.

3900 HUF/each departing pax

- EU
- Albania
- Andorra
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- North Macedonia
- Iceland
- Kosovo
- Lichtenstein
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Northern Ireland
- Swiss
- Serbia
- Ukraine

9750 HUF/each departing pax
- as defined out of the passengers flying to countries other than specified destinations with final destination

Airport operator's consent and air traffic service provider's opinion for requesting ad hoc airspace

15 EUR/occasionally

Airport operator’s consent and air traffic services provider’s opinion for flights with unmanned aircrafts

15 EUR/occasionally

Practice flights, approaches

The fee is uniformly EUR 2 / 1,000 kg / operation.

Fuel and fuel service charges

At our airport, it is possible to refuel AVGAS and JET A-1. Our prices are determined monthly based on the current FOB ROT.

When refuelling JET A-1, we charge a service fee based on the take-off weight of the aircraft:
  • 0 – 4,000 kg: EUR 10 / occasion
  • above 4,001 kg: EUR 45 / occasion

Aircraft de-icing

The range of services of Hévíz-Balaton Airport has been extended with the aircraft de-icing service, from now we able to handle your flight during winter conditions, to safe our environment offer you to use biobased Type II fluid.

Aircraft deicing (up to 15 t): 100 EUR/case
Aircraft deicing (from 15 t): 300 EUR/case

- Type II fluid (biobased) 5.0 EUR/l
- hot water 1,7 EUR/l

VIP Lounge

On request, we provide the possibility to use the VIP lounge for EUR 25 / person.

Ground power unit

It is possible, if necessary, to use ground power unit, its fee is EUR 30 for every 15 minutes commenced.

Last update: 08. April 2024